

Gentlemen from TV who are in charge of helping the sick just got your e-mail.

Here’s what it says:


My name is .

I’m informing you about the problem that patients who suffer from spinal muscular atrophy (hereinafter SMA) are dealing with, in our country.

SMA is a rare and deadly genetic disease that progressively weakens all muscles of the patient, causing a loss of basic functions such as walking, digestion, swallowing and breathing. SMA is number one genetic killer of children up to 2 years.

The cure for SMA, named Spinraza is recently discovered and approved by the FDA and EMA.
Our country currently has 70 SMA patients, including children and adults. Luckily, a year of struggle managed to achieve part of our goal – children have reached the cure.

Concern and fight are now connected with adults. Many of them. With those who invested all their remaining strength in institutional problem solving: to purchase the medicine for every single patient. We must not forget them.

With this letter, I urge you and all competent institutions: Please do not exclude those who made the most effort to bring the medicine in Serbia – our adult SMA patients. They deserve better future, too.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards with the hope that your initiative will extend the life of our brave citizens.

I’ll leave you alone now, return in your world with other adults, but don’t ever forget to take a break from hustle. Just try to feel careless and have fun. 

Sincerely, Matija!